Monthly Archives: June 2013

One family across the globe.

There have been many surprises for me finding my way into Rotary International and preparing myself for a year in a wonderful country like Perú. When we talk about a trip like this we almost always talk about the grand expectations for a changed perspective and a powerful insight to changing our world here at home. These things are great to talk about but I feel like the last few months have been more ¨bigger picture¨ rather than talking about one of the most simple yet enjoyable experiences that Rotary has to offer: making life long friends across international borders.

Naturally I have one younger brother, but if you were to ask me now how many siblings I have the answer you get would most certainly not be one. There is an incredible network of people in this world I have come to know and I hope that through my  journaling you will understand why I call them my family, complimentary to the loving and wonderfully supportive family I have known for 17 years. My friends Tassiana and Karoll from Brazil who are always energetic and having a good time with me no matter what the circumstance, Sophie Juge from the small town of Leon France whom I found I could always talk to about life’s marvels, Carl from Sortland Norway (my current host brother living with my family and I) a tremendous and respectful friend who I laugh with everyday about something new, and Emilie from Denmark, a very caring, dedicated, and trustworthy fellow Peruvian outbound whom I already believe has a giving heart ready for anything.

All of these incredible people (many of which you will see in upcoming photos have inspired me in some way to do better and be more for other people in anyway I can. I’ve seen them all in good times and bad and through our months of knowing each other we’ve all grown a tremendous friendship that I know no national border will stop. These are the relationships that Rotary strives for, its the people closest to your heart that make all the difference, and I am proud to say between my friends and loving family (both domestic and international) I have tremendous love and support for my adventures wherever they take me. And for this I could never be more thankful.

Categories: Rotary 2013-2014 | 1 Comment

Gurantee Form

Well everyone I am very excited to announce that the final information for my trip has come in! I will be welcomed into district 4450 in Lima and will be a part of the Rotary Club of San Borja Sur in the Southern portion of Lima. My school will be El Colegio San Ignacio de Recalde. I have been sent an Intinerary with all of the avilable trips, camps, and weekend conferences for the upcoming year! I am very excited for all of this info and with all of the details falling in place the final length of the trip is coming together! Soooooo excited! ¡Viva Perú!

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Its hard to define the word home… Its more than just a place, its a combination of all of our memories and the people that helped us make them. Its all the good and bad times we’ve had and shared with those that really care about us. I started to think that now that I am within two months of traveling to Peru, where my second home will hopefully be. Already I’m so proud of my new country, from reading news articles to reading books, to talking with Peruvians I am already getting a feel for being Peruvian… and I couldn’t describe the feeling if I wanted to, its so much at one time that somedays I really look back at what it took to get to this point, and to even have the oppurtunity to try out a new “home”. I am so anxious for my plane to Lima when I step off I know I will be by myself in a new world with nothing but a wit and a will to help me out. To me I feel as if there is some greater feeling drawing me to Peru as if I can see all of the wonderful oppurtunities without even stepping on to a plane. The adventure is going to start and the entire time I think what I will love most is that in another language and on another continent I will have a new home… in the largest sense of the word.Image

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