Monthly Archives: June 2014

The FINAL month… A.K.A The world’s most tramauntic emotional Roller coaster!

The final weeks… its impossible for me to believe that I am forced to say that, or even think about it. I feel like it is still that first night, where unsure of everything that was around me I stepped out of my plane into the cold Peruvian air of Lima. That was more than 10 months ago, my how time truly does fly. So much has changed since then, I’ve been to school, learned a new language, danced new dances, visited the majority of this beautiful country, I’ve said hello to new friends, and I’ve said goodbye to old ones, I’ve gained 3 new families and a new anthem to be proud of. In short everything that was no longer is.

            Now the adventure is coming to a close… the world that I fell in love with is about to be taken away from me, the return journey is about to begin and a new chapter of my life will open. But how can I say farewell to so many beautiful memories and wonderful people whom without I wouldn’t be who I am today. That is the question that in the end, on the night of the 29th of June I am going to have to ask myself. I know that tears are going to be shed, I don’t think that is something that can be avoided, these guys are my family and they have shared everything with me. All of the laughs, and tears, and sleepless nights on our Rotary Trips, they’ve been here through it all and I know that years from now when I look back on this experience it will be impossible to think back to the “Good ole days” without hearing their familiar laughter and voices in my head. I have been to the airport three times in the last week and a half to say goodbye to exchange students and in the next month I will have at least 8 more trips to say goodbye to my dearest friends. It’s the side of this year that we never really want to accept, we feel the rush of adventure, the anxiety of our first few months, but in the end we are never truly prepared to say goodbye so often to people who have meant so much to us. And yet it must be done, the last hugs, and laughs, and tears must be shared not as friends, but rather as new brothers and sisters whom for the rest of my our lives we know will always be in our hearts.

            Now I will have two sides of myself to balance, a dual nationality, two stories in the same body. On one side I know that at times they will clash and the “reverse culture shock” will be unbearable, and in others I know that my new culture will help me in ways I never knew possible and the excitement for me comes from the idea of teaching others about the beautiful new home I have acquired, and all of its wonderful cultural traditions. It won’t be easy, and at times I am going to feel that even being in my country of birth will not make me feel like home. That the same house, and neighborhood, will never look the same, my vision of my whole world has been changed and now thanks to Rotary International I have had the ability to extend my idea of traditions and cultures, and realize that the world is far bigger than what I first imagined.

            I know that these experiences will serve me for the rest of my life and that these moments that I have spent, hundreds of miles from home all alone, will forever offer me perspective not only about the world outside, but about my own heart as well.

            I left with the heart of an adventurer and with that same heart I am going to return from my journey. Having seen the outside world, having learned a new language, having put myself as far outside of my comfort zone as possible, I will return ready for the new chapter of my life and yet never forgetting the chapter that is about to close. I owe so much to all of my fellow exchange students, my host families, my family in the United States, Rotary international, and last but not least, the beautiful country of Perú, where a piece of my heart will forever remain. My heart breaks to think of leaving my new home and the tears I already know will be falling my last day. However no many how tears are shed, how many memories are remembered, or how many changes I go through, I know that it will never be a goodbye, only a see you soon. Thank you to everyone who has been here with me on this life changing walk, you´ve made me who I am and for that I will always thank you!


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